Thursday, November 20, 2008


I live in Detroit, and i see how the big three makes their money. First of all i would like to point out that if you live in the Metro Detroit area like i do, then you will personally know employees of the big three, or their suppliers. Most of the employees are good, hard working Americans that work to provide for their families. These workers are the ones stimulating the economy by purchasing everything from tissue to autos with their hard earned money. Gas was over $4/gal., which means workers were working for less because their commute to work expenses were doubled from $2/gal gas. Now i feel it's the CEO's and upper management's turn to downsize as well. If the big three wants a bailout they should cut out their frivolous spending. that means no luxury jets, free car washes and car rental for upper management. No CEO needs to make $30 million a year for politicking on behalf of the big three. As an big three employee, i cant even park my GM car in the employee parking lot at a Chrysler assembly plant with out the management having my car impounded. Your foreign car will most likely be vandalized in the lot of the plant, then impounded at $75 +$8/day for impound fees. I see this sad downturn for the big three as just payback for all the encompassion and greed over the years. The big three's management could have came up with electric powered or bio fueled cars a decade ago, but they didn't want to, so now they are begging for their workers tax dollars. I say its time for a house cleaning. Save the workers by eliminating the wasteful spending at the top.